Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Obscure Hottie

Okay, so I just put down the bowl (of salad) that I was eating, and looked up to see that the final episode in some marathon countdown of "Ghosthunters" on Sci Fi was on the TV. Is it just me, or is Steve Gonsalves kinda hot? I particularly like his full sleeves. Most guys that have them might look kinda scary, but he's got a cute face, so it makes a nice contrast. Plus, guys with tattoos have good stories. Now, I don't mean the muscle guido with the waxed eyebrows/gelled hair sticking straight out (at the gym!), and the fuckin' tribal armband. He MIGHT have good stories, but they're all the same one. (Got drunk at the shore and banged some chick. Burrrp). I'm talking about the guy with the blood-dripping heart stabbed through by a knife with the word "MOM" written on a scroll unfurled before it tattooed on his bicep that's wrapped by a vine of barbed wire entwined all the way to the wrist with skulls, naked ladies, guns and spider webs all caught up in it. And, that's just his RIGHT arm. He's the one with the good stories....

Saturday, March 17, 2007


This is what Eric looked like after a few of us got together last night for my big birthday dinner at Cochon. The food was amazing: straight-up Cajun, but high-end. You fuckers in NYC have no idea. The grits with crawfish special small plate was so good we got a second order. Of course a couple bottles of champagne were called for to wash it all down. I wish a lot more of you out-of-town folks coulda been there.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


frattastic adj. -of or relating to a fraternity or its members, i.e. tending toward conformist group behavior, espec. in dress & mannerisms (see douchebaggery).

hot mess n. -a person, usu. under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, who makes of themselves an embarrassing public display, as in, "Did you hear what Georgette did last night? Girrrl, she was a hot mess!"

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's for the attention (really).

Alright, I've finally broken the streak of 90 consecutive days without going to the gym, by going to the gym last night. I had forgotten how good it can make you feel in a way that pills, booze and Latino rentboys cannot.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Am I stoned right now?

When I try and explain to straight people what it's like to be gay (that is, the ones who feel the need to ask), I usually feel like a NEXUS6 replicant trying to explain himself to a human: "If you could only see what I've seen with your eyes..." Not because I feel like I am talking to my creator, but because, I mean, some of the things I've seen, I just don't think would be believed.

PS The test of the question in the title is the preceding paragraph. You tell me.