Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006
John John
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Photoshop phun
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Signs of progress on St. Charles Avenue
"The first step in the long road to restoration for the St. Charles Avenue streetcar line is set to take place today, as transit officials bring back daily service between Canal Street and Lee Circle for the first time since Hurricane Katrina.
Scheduled for 10:30 a.m., the ceremonial trip around Robert E. Lee's statue marks the completion of the initial phase of a three-part reformation project expected to last at least another 15 months.
Under plans still being developed, the Regional Transit Authority hopes to reopen a second leg of the historic St. Charles line, between Lee Circle and Napoleon Avenue, by next summer. The final segment, which will restore service from Napoleon to the terminus on Carrollton Avenue, likely won't be finished until spring or early summer of 2008, officials said."
Monday, December 11, 2006
Truck accident
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Visited states update
Since November 23, 2006 (Thanksgiving Day), it has looked like this:
Monday, December 4, 2006
New camera

Actually, I do have a digital camera: a Minolta Dimage 7 SLR type. It's pretty sweet, but far too bulky for going out on the town and capturing spontaneous shenanigans with your friends.
Sunday, December 3, 2006
June 10, 2006 - Flashback

Well, anyway, anyway, this image is a perfect example of a cooler packed prior to going tubing or on a float trip. Being from NYC, I was not familiar with this particular activity: floating on an inner tube down a river while the whole time drinking beer (and smoking cigs, if you do (I do)), periodically stopping off at the shore to eat and throw away the accumulated cans.
Now that I have lived in the South for over five years, I have gone tubing many, many times. The first summer I went, I went almost every weekend for a good six weeks or so because I had so much fun the first time. With a big group, it is even more fun. The last time I went (when this picture was taken) was June 10, 2006. It was the one and only time this past summer I had a chance to go. If I am still living here next summer, I will be sure to get out on the water as much as possible, especially with any out-of-town guests (hint, hint) that may come to visit. See? Not only can you get fucked up on Bourbon Street when you come to New Orleans, you can get fucked up anywhere!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Tuning in from Tokyo

In a few weeks, he will be returning to the US, whereupon we will embark on another (for we've had so many) adventure--beginning in the bowels of that Sodom known as the Big Apple, we will make our way southward through Our Nation's Capital, followed by brief stops in various tidewater burgs, and a slightly longer stop in Tampa to pick up a couple more friends (Rich & James, and they are a couple), until finally we break on through to the sunshine and white sands of the greater Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area. It is here, among the suntanned natives, that we will ring in the New Year, and most likely get completely shitcan'd.
Foggy heads (mostly) cleared, we will back to the road on New Year's Day for Tampa. A few more days relaxing at the beach, then we will say good-bye to our friends and return to my home city, that Gomorrah known as the Big Easy. Bourbon Street will be assaulted anew. Memories and lovers will be made and forgotten, and finally, after the final Hurricane, Hand Grenade, or Huge Ass Beer, Carl will fly back to DC, leaving my home far cleaner than he found it, and me, alone to contemplate how INSANE things get when me and this guy get together. I can't wait!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Doublemint freshness

Monday, November 6, 2006
The dumps.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Music Box
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Those boots are made for walking!

Look at this fool! Ryan is coming down to NOLA from NYC for the Scissor Sisters show at HOB, and of course to party down with all of us still trying to eck out an existence in this post-Katrina wasteland.
Monday, October 16, 2006
B-B-B-Bushit Good!
Is this free speech? On the other hand, any lawsuit brought for "emotional distress" almost always rankles me to no end.
APB - Job Hunt
Monday, September 18, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
the New Car

Okay, so a couple months ago my '92 Cutlass Ciera finally quit on me, and I purchased this '05 Toyota Corolla S.
I am so happy with it. Great mileage, the A/C actually works, and it is the first car I have ever owned that has a CD player. Finally, I have something decent for those long roadtrips up to NYC and back!
I also listen to Gaypimpin with Jonny McGovern. This show is outrageous, and reminds of my crazy days back in NYC.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Hail Mary
I am fascinated by the whole Virgin Mary appearing in random places phenomenon, partly because I have to wonder why she would choose to do so, and why exactly it would be categorized a miracle. I mean, is that really on par with giving a blindman sight, or not getting burned up in a fire? The other reason is that it seems that the Virgin only appears miraculously in this manner to hispanic people, and since I am hispanic, I am always on the look out personally for that time when the oil drippings below my parked car will coalesce before my eyes into her shape, signaling me to pull over, get out of the car and drop to my knees and pray, or when driving about the city, I will recognize her face in the huge piles of garbage that still litter the streets here, offering hope that one day someone will clean this crap up. Of course, if that were to happen, I suppose that pile would have to remain, as it would now become a shrine, with all the requisite flowers, candles, and weeping women showering it with glorious adulation.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Free Hair Saturday

Now, I don't know if this is common to other places, but here in New Orleans finding hair extensions strewn about is not at all unusual. Today I ran across 3 in the course of a few blocks while I was running errands on Magazine Street. Here are pictures of two. The third, unfortunately was picked up by a woman and placed in her purse before I could get my camera phone out to snap a picture! Witnessing this, I think, was even more disturbing than pondering how so many hair extensions came to be in the street in the first place. Any theories?
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saturday, April 8, 2006
Friday, April 7, 2006
Saturday, April 1, 2006
Found Objects
I was walking down the street today in my neighborhood, and I came across a pillow and a beer can. New Orleans is definitely getting back to normal!
Friday, March 31, 2006
7 Months Post Katrina
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
On the Westbank & the iPod nano
In the meantime, I am looking for a water pitcher. I ask around and am generally greeted with confusion. I can’t imagine that, given the low quality of tap water in these parts, no one really knew what I was talking about. Eventually, I was directed to Hardware, only to find, not water pitchers, but full-size water filtration systems and office-type water coolers. So I said, “Fuck it” and headed out to Target. On the way out I noticed they are now selling iPods at Wal-Mart, so I made a mental note of their prices and stopped at Circuit City and Best Buy to do some comparison shopping.
I have resisted purchasing an iPod for a long time, because of a general resistance toward its cult-like status and because it would be buying into the Apple revenue-generating stream of add-ons and iTunes, etc. These kind of marketing schemes drive me up a wall, but are becoming more difficult to resist and still remain a part of the cultural main. Basically, everyone I know has one, and it is just a hell of a lot easier if I use the same system. Personally, I have a SONY Vaio, so when I import CDs, they are in a proprietary format that only SONY uses and I can’t share my music with anyone else. This is the exact same problem I have with the iPod, but since SONY’s hasn’t been successful, and I am morally flexible on this issue, I decided to finally break down and get an iPod. I mean, I just had my birthday and had some extra cash, and an iPod sounds like a better present for myself than a Brita.
So now I have an iPod (I went with a black iPod nano) and I’ve downloaded several albums that I had either lost or had been meaning to purchase. I have to say I love this thing already. Design-wise it is beautiful, and I am always one for beautiful things. The only thing that sucks is I now have to recopy all of my CDs because they are in an incompatible format. The good thing though, is I can now send my friend Charlie out in San Francisco all those music files that I have been talking to him about.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Change of Luck
Tomorrow is my birthday, turning 31. I'm not making any plans, since I am broke. Think I am going to wait to party until Friday for St. Patrick's Day.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Post MG Malaise
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
A Good Time was had by All
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
St. Valentine's Day is a Bullshit Holiday!
As if my weekly excursion to Sav-A-Center to pick up groceries isn't enough of a reminder. All those smarmy couples arguing over breakfast cereals--ack, ack, retch. It's depressing.
And it's not as if there are any prospects on the horizon. I mean nothing, nothing at all to look forward to. Not that things were great pre-K, but it seems that storm also caused a serious shortage of early-30-something gay men in this city. I am not even going to bother with further qualifiers, as it would shrink the category to zero.
Well, I need a haircut. I hope the guy I usually go to is back at work. Getting a haircut always makes me feel better, like I am a whole new person. "Make me look like I just joined the Marines" is usually what I ask for, but I think I may leave my hair a bit longer on the top, while maintaining the proper fade at the back and sides. I may even shave the beard this week, though never the sideburns, kind of a signature part of the 'do at this point.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Slow Build up to Mardi Gras...
Chicago is at the top of the list. I think I am going for Pride (I haven't been to one of those in a long time). I have yet to see Nate's place since he moved up there. He and John are coming down for MG and it's goin to be non-stop fun. Well, my boss just walked in and I shouldn't be blogging at work. Updates as situations arise....
Saturday, February 4, 2006
Of Obsolescence
The penny is particularly despised; it does not stand in the same category as other coins. The penny is not even accepted as legal tender in most vending machines.
One thing is true for all coins: their purpose has been diminished, made vestigial, anachronistic by the electronic flow of a paperless economy. They are atavists, whose material properties confirm their obsolescence: too heavy, too rigid.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Happy Bat Mitzvah Jessie!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Gayest Weekend Ever, Part II
Oh, and I have seen Reina before, at Shampoo in Philadelphia (my parents are still getting flyers from that club). It’s where the famous, “Carl, it’s Reina” moment took place.
Picture it: three friends on the dancefloor, the beat kicks in with “Find Another Woman.” A woman steps out on stage completely covered in sequins. Two of the friends are facing the stage while the third is facing away.
“Carl, it’s Reina!” we scream over the music.
“I know, I love this song.”
(Pointing over his shoulder) “No. Carl. IT’S REINA!”
I wish I had pictures from that day so long ago. But that was in the pre-digital era.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
A certain ex-New Orleans member of the crew spent a night in jail courtesy of the NYPD after getting caught smoking pot in Central Park.
A certain long-time couple is interviewing for positions in NYC, and plans to move there within the year.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Crap Day
On the way home I ran into further traffic (I HATE I-10!!!) and got off at the Superdome to take surface streets back to the IC (that Irish Channel, if you don't know). It was around 7 so I figured I'd stop in at the Magazine St. A&P, cause I heard they extended their hours until 8PM, but found they were closing. I am so sick of having to bumrush grocery stores in the hour after work just to get something to eat. So, I didn't pick up any water, or food, though I knew I still had some supplies for dinner. Sooo...I went home, got changed and went straight to the gym, which was crowded with meatheads all wanting to use the same machines, so my workout took about an hour longer than usual. I finally got back around 9:30, showered and grilled up some chicken breast and steamed some broccoli, YUM! Now, I am studying my XHTML manual, and then a few Latin paradigms before bed. Gotta be up early to hit the gym before work and maybe the supermarket as well. Check ya laters.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Chocolate City Blues
Mayor Nagin has lost his mind. What was with his MLK Day speech? Talking about a “chocolate city,” and about talking to Dr. King about the state of the world, and about how God is angry at the US for its war-like foreign policy. Already, the apologies have started. Personally, I like chocolate, and find this a completely hilarious way to characterize the city.
I don’t put much stock in the words of politicians anyway, and I just chalk it up to typical audience pandering. I guess the mayor felt these themes would appeal to his black audience on the occasion. He even spoke with a (rather weak) testifying preacher dialect that I have not heard from him before. Usually when Nagin speaks, he does so with a completely neutral, uninflected manner.
Oh, and anytime people start linking natural disasters with the Will of God, I cannot help but cringe and roll eyes. Most of the discussion in that vein* has been about how God sent the hurricane to punish the wickedness of New Orleans, except He missed all the actual wicked parts and took out some God-fearing, poor black neighborhoods. Yes, yes, and Lakeview as well.
*on Christian radio I suffered through on my holiday drive up to and from that other Sodom: NYC.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Post Katrina NOLA yaddah
Another gripe I got is with Starbucks. They have a few locations in Orleans Parish, fortunately nothing like in other cities because we here are pretty loyal to our local brands and the native coffee shops are much better than Starbucks anyway. But my gripe with them is that none of their locations have reopened in the city. I understand about work shortages and such, but operate with limited hours. They are a huge company and could really contribute to the local situation. I can’t help but conclude this is one often-cited side effect of corporate globalization: no real ties to the community in which the corporation is doing business other than the pursuit of profits.
Sunday, January 8, 2006
da Gym
Today I am resting up because the last few days at the gym (after a 2 weeks hiatus) have really messed me up. My entire body is sore, and I could barely make it out of the bed this morning. Yesterday I took off even though it was an on day, but Friday I did a ridiculous leg workout, including a few extra sets of squats, using more weight than I would normally on the last few reps. Ugh, all I can do now is hobble about like an old woman. Even my calves are super sore.
Monday, January 2, 2006
New Orleans, the trip back*
I finally got on the road around 10:00AM, heading through Jersey into Pennsylvania along 78 and then down 81 through West Virginia and Maryland for about 5 minutes each and into the Shenandoah Valley which is a really beautiful drive, though in the middle there are some hills and turns that get a little nerve-wracking with all the 18-wheel trucks going 75. I finally got to Knoxville around 10 and spent the night at a Motel off the Interstate.
That night I watched the Strip Search marathon on VH-1, the first time I had ever seen the show. I thought it was really gay, and there were a lot of uncomfortable and awkward scenes, so I couldn't resist watching. Like when the Thunder from Down Under guys came and danced for the guys competing on the show, and then afterward they watched the guys dance for them, and then there was a lot of critique and discussion of smile and "personality." After that they all drank together and did what I assume were typical hetero activities like keg stands and passing out, and a lot of crying and missing of their kids. My favorite guys on the show were of course Adam, who was the biggest guy and the best dancer (though I'll get to discussing the dancing in a minute), and Ryan, this muscular blond guy. I also liked Bryce, and felt bad for him a bit since he didn't have the muscular physique required of a stripper and everyone pointed it out to him about every 5 minutes (these guys were real bitches).
Okay, so when these guys danced, it was probably the least erotic thing I have ever seen, just real cheeseball stuff. And I guess that has to do with the fact that they are dancing for a group of women who are looking at it very differently than, say, a group of guys looking at female dancers. I think it's a matter of "sexy" vs. sexual. I use quotations marks because it is a married, middle-aged woman's view of what is sexy.
But I digress. The next morning I woke up and got on the road around 11. Since I had to be back by 7 and I had the time change working to my advantage, I slept in a bit. The drive down from Knoxville, through Chattanooga, Gadsen, Birmingham, Tuscaloosa, Meridien, Hattiesburg and finally into Louisiana was completely uneventful. Because my car has neither a CD player nor even a cassette deck, I am forced to listen to whatever stations happen to be in the area. Thus, this entire part of the journey was dominated by country music and Christian radio, and mostly by the latter. I have lived in the South now for about 5 years, so I am used to hearing a lot of the outrageous things people say on Christian radio, and was thus able to avoid just driving off the road. All I really can say is that I hope the rapture does come in 2006 because supposedly all the good Christians will be taken up to God. Maybe then we can have some peace, without all their static. Either that, or all those Christians who thought they were going to be saved wake up to find themselves still here with the rest of us sinners and start to realize what assholes they've been their entire lives and thus get the fuck over it. Basically, either one of these scenarios works for me.
I arrived in New Orleans around 7PM, giving me about 15 minutes to shower and change clothes to head out for New Year's Eve....
*bonus points to anyone that gets this reference.