Thursday, February 12, 2009

Posting about posting

I've been following a few thought lines recently on the internet which touch upon how social networking sites like Facebook & Twitter have transformed the internet, specifically with respect to personal blogs.  If you're provided with a single, centralized place to interact with the people you know, provide updates to your life in various formats, then why go through the trouble to set up an independent place on the web with all the hassle of customizing, and the labor of updating it on a regular basis?  

In my own experience, since I've joined Facebook, I've made very little effort to post anything on this blog, which at one time I used to document my own personal thoughts and significant events, not so much  for anyone else, but primarily for my own amusement.  

Now, in addition to regularly signing in to Facebook, I've also been experimenting with using several different journaling, or quick thought-capture apps, so most of what I have been recording has been piling up on my computer, instead of  appearing in this space.  As such, what has always been for me an introspective process, has become so once again.  But after considering the discussion mentioned above, I realized that what I appreciate most about personal blogs is the intermittent dialogue generated by posting.  

Therefore, in the very near future, I think I may, slowly, and not without some resistance produced by in fact living life, and yet naturally under some consternation arising from potentially missing self-imposed targets, endeavor to begin again, quietly, deliberately, to post.

1 comment:

  1. God, you write well. I sound like a caveman in all my posts.
