Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A good time was had by all.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 a few friends gathered together to eat, drink and catch up. Some were meeting for the first time, their common link being that they knew me.

The food was incredible. I had some white truffle for the first time. We had an extremely competent Hungarian waitress. Carl chose the wine, the name of which I am forgetting at the moment; we had several bottles. After dinner, a few of us departed, and the rest headed over to the Monster, which turned out to be like entering a gay time warp back to 1976, but of course, hasn't it always been? I mean, it's the West Village after all, where I think homosexuality was like discovered.

I'm sorry I don't have any more obviously Gay/70s referenced pictures, but at this point of the night I was half in the bag, and on top of that had a major cold, so was additionally hopped up on the real-deal Sudafed (why bother even cooking it up to make Crystal Meth?), so needless to say, I wasn't taking many pictures. But here was a good one of my friends Ryan, John and Emily. Ryan and John, of course, live in Manhattan now, while Emily came down (for the night) from Boston. She totally fuckin' rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I look like a moose. Where the hell is that discoball from? Splash?

    Monster is a very appropriate name for that bar.
