Tuesday, February 20, 2007

All on a Mardi Gras Day!

Five days now I have been partying, taking breaks only to shower, change and (briefly) catch some sleep. As a result: my house smells like shit; there are piles of dirty laundry everywhere; and, I've got nothing to eat save a few limes, and nothing to drink but mixers. My beard has grown grizzly-ish because I have not purchased a new beard trimmer, having destroyed all the guards on my original. And I have not even bothered to shave properly, so I have a full-on throat beard beginning to come in as well. Basically, I am in a state. But I suppose after you've been partying, (I'm having such a wonderful time!), the Piper eventually must be paid.

I just ordered an ITALIAN ALL MEAT pizza from Balcony Bar. I emphasize because none of my friends would ever order an all meat pizza with me. It's a tricky business, arriving at a solid consensus when ordering a pizza. Usually I have to give in, because I tend to favor unhealthy toppings. I also tend to be a "traditionalist" in that the kinds of toppings I prefer would be typically found in NYC pizzerias circa '84 (pre-pineapple chunks, artichoke, white pizza, et al.). So, no, I'll pass on the BBQ Thai chicken pizza this time around, and satisfy my meaty cravings for pepperoni, bacon, sausage, meatball. Basically, I'm eating on my own. I have officially thrown in the towl on MG2007. While the majority of my friends are drinking their faces off on and around Bourbon Street, I sit at home watching back-to-back episodes of CSI: Crime Scene Investigators on SpikeTV.

Alright, it is just about time to run and pick up that pizza. And no I will NOT be mopping up the grease that collects in the pepperoni slices with napkins. That is too fucking high school girl for me. Like my reasoning for getting lots of unhealthy toppings in the first place, it's fucking pizza! If you want to eat healthy, make a salad; don't mess with my pizza! (But oh yeah, tomorrow begins Lent, so I'll be giving up all this bad stuff for the next 40 days. I mean, I'm not religious, or anything like that, I just need the break!)

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