Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Crap Day

Argh, I had a real Crap Day today. I woke up late, after not getting enough sleep and thus did not get to eat before work. Therefore, I was extra grumpy all day long. Work was okay, but after, I drove out to Border's on Vets, out in Metairie. I took the West End exit thinking I would avoid the long line of traffic along I-10 and ran into ridiculous traffic because of all the traffic light outages. It took 20 minutes to get from the off ramp onto Vets. From there it was fine and I spent a lovely time bookshopping. I bought the new Morningwood CD, but was dismayed to find it is censored, and this is the only version available.

On the way home I ran into further traffic (I HATE I-10!!!) and got off at the Superdome to take surface streets back to the IC (that Irish Channel, if you don't know). It was around 7 so I figured I'd stop in at the Magazine St. A&P, cause I heard they extended their hours until 8PM, but found they were closing. I am so sick of having to bumrush grocery stores in the hour after work just to get something to eat. So, I didn't pick up any water, or food, though I knew I still had some supplies for dinner. Sooo...I went home, got changed and went straight to the gym, which was crowded with meatheads all wanting to use the same machines, so my workout took about an hour longer than usual. I finally got back around 9:30, showered and grilled up some chicken breast and steamed some broccoli, YUM! Now, I am studying my XHTML manual, and then a few Latin paradigms before bed. Gotta be up early to hit the gym before work and maybe the supermarket as well. Check ya laters.

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